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The new timeline of 14 September 2021 replaces the 14 March 2021 date. Firms are required to take all necessary steps to comply with the revised detailed It has been a challenging year for the Payments Industry with regards to PSD2. The Strong Customer Authentication requirements originally planned for the 14th of September were eventually postponed. Leading up to the deadline, several countries across Europe announced they would implement a transition period, extending the deadline from 12 to 18 months. With mere weeks to go until the original PSD2 compliance deadline of 14th September 2019, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) successfully secured a significant deadline extension.

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För att ansöka  As implementation deadline for #PSD2 is approaching, are financial institutions in the EU ready? Interesting take from Tink on this. #PSD2 #TPPs #Tink. Nästa deadline är i mitten av juni och sedan är sista deadline den 14 september, då de så kallade Regulatory Technical Standards för PSD2 träder i kraft. – Då kommer bankerna, om det den totala fondavgiften. 2021-03-09  What Does the Future Hold for Consumer Banking?

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förhållandet mellan relevanta bestämmelser i dataskyddsförordningen och PSD2. them in line with GDPR requirements, as well as with the CJEU's 'Schrems II' ruling, and  We have invested in deep understanding of PSD2 requirements and prepared a solution that will ease the implementation of the PSD2 API for all parties:  Nedan hittar du mer om detaljerna bakom PSD2 och SCA, samt annat som du och kortnätverk kan ha olika krav och deadlines för godkänd efterlevnad. Reglerna föreslås träda i kraft den 1 juli 2021.

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The UK's current migration plan is to apply PSD2 SCA-compliance to: June 2021: 10% of transactions; July 2021: 30% of transactions The new deadline is 14 September 2021 25 March 2020 The EBA published a statement on consumer and payment issues in light of COVID-19.The EBA stated they will monitor the impact of COVID-19 on the industry’s readiness to implement SCA. EBA Opinion 16th October 2019 In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority set the new deadline to 14 September 2021. The PSD 2.0 regulation drastically impacts the financial eco-system and infrastructure for banks, fintechs, and businesses using payment data to benefit consumers.

In April 2020 the FCA announced they have agreed to delay the enforcement of SCA further until 14 September 2021 in the UK to help provide support to merchants from the impact of Covid-19. The deadline for the rest of the European Economic Area (EEA) is 31 December 2020. It has been a challenging year for the Payments Industry with regards to PSD2. The Strong Customer Authentication requirements originally planned for the 14th of September were eventually postponed.
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Psd2 deadline 2021

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After this date, any merchant that fails to comply with the requirements for SCA will run the risk of lower authorization rates.
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PSD2 came into force on September 14, 2019. However, the European Banking Authority has extended the deadline for the requirement that strong customer authentication (SCA) must be implemented for all online payments, until December 31, 2020.

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PSD2, the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) 2nd Payment Service Directive, is designed to drive payment innovation and data security.